Ginesta is Mediterranean, curious and passionate.
She is a director. Sometimes writer.
She studied film directing at ESCAC, where she teaches (at times).
She likes to observe and understand how other bodies move / think / feel / do. She also likes what she doesn’t understand. The mistery. The magic. The beauty. The pain. Dance.
Mystics aside, sometimes people make her quite laugh. And the dramas that she likes the most are those in which she sneaks comedy.
She has directed chapters for “VIDA PERFECTA” (MOVISTAR PLUS, best series at Cannes Series 2019); “ELITE” (season 4 and 5, Netflix); “EL VECINO” (Netflix), “ALL THE TIMES WE FALL IN LOVE” (Netflix) and “DRAMA” (El Terrat, Rtve). She is now writing her first series as a creator. It is called “The beautiful island”. She is accompanied by The immigrant and Sábado Películas.
In the gaps she also directs advertising. She has shot many national and international campaigns.
She lives in Barcelona.